Tuesday 18 December 2012

Desicions desicions

At the moment, we are debating many different ideas. Most of the feedback agree's that our first draft was no where near as good as we would of liked and it just seems that our narrative and the cover of the song no longer fit or gel together. Our decisions are;

1. Original song?
We thought that instead of changing our whole idea, we'd fit the narrative to the original, more upbeat, Stella song as that is the song we originally based our narrative on and it fits better. Yet we have the tough decision because having the cover makes the song more unique and gives a different twist.

2. Keep the Cover and change the narrative?
Instead of changing the song to fit the narrative, we could change the narrative to fit the song. This would require changing the entire narrative and starting again but may be worth it.

3. Keep the Cover and basic narrative idea?
It was an idea that it isn't all of the narrative that doesn't fit, rather just certain parts and so we could keep the parts that work and just change the rest of the video.

4. Start again?
It was put out to the group that we start again with a different group, genre and different everything. It would take a lot of planning and a lot of research but there is a feeling that this might be the better alternative than the others. Yet this is a big step and we risk not making the deadline in a big way if we start again.

We feel these are our 4 options that we're going to think about and consider before making a rushed choice.

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