Thursday 28 February 2013

Magazine Advert Step 2

As I have taken the pictures and researched magazine adverts we have split up the task into different roles. Sophie is going to photoshop the image and Beth and Jess are going to work together to put everything together with mine and sophie's input of course.

This is the image that we have decided to use for the advert.

We have chosen this image because it is the girls wearing their summer clothes and they look like they arer having fun and are friends not just bandmembers. Also we felt that it would fit on to and A4 page better than some of the other pictures.

Magazine Advert Step 1

After collating the information from researching magazine adverts we have decided that we want to include on our magazine advert the following features:
-Youtube and twitter icons
-An image of the digipak
-The band logo
-The band website
-A QR code
- A quote or star rating
- The release date of the digipak   

Magazine Advert Research 2

Rihanna - Talk That Talk

 -Name of Singer
-Image of singer
 -Name of Album
-Image of Album
-Date of Release Date
-Where you can buy it

This advert is very simplistic with only a few features but these features are key to selling the album. it tells the viewer what to buy, when to but it and where.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Digipak Step 2

These are a few options that Sophie and Jess have created. We decided to have a glitter theme running throughh our digipak and this could then be featured in the advert as well.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

We all agrees on the option 2 as it show the girls as individuals as well as a group which is the effect we are going for.
The next step is to design the back cover and extra panel after looking through our sketches we all liked the idea of a shoe on the back panel and for it to be glittery to carry on the theme. It has connotations of being girly and we feel it would attract more of a female audience.

Monday 25 February 2013

Take 5

A Car Park - 'huh'

A very glamorous setting perfect for our final chorus, we all made our way to Marks and Sparks car park in Halifax for 'finger crossed' our final piece of filming. The band arrived in their costumes and we quickly got filming (after a sneaky hot chocolate to warm us up). It was attempt 2 at this routine and my focus was on keeping the camera in focus this time (oops). The filming went well apart from the hoards of vehicles all hoping for a parking space causing is to stop and start but eventually we got it down and we were driving back to school to get the footage edited.

Magazine Advert Research 1

Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing

Friday 22 February 2013

Take 4

Halifax Town

We got lots of useable footage today and lots of odd looks from passers by. However some footage was out of focus so we will have to refilm the last dancce routine and we hope to do that soon.

Monday 18 February 2013

New Location

Halifax Town - The 'Urban' Scene

We decided to film some sequences in Halifax Town centre this was to make the girls more accesible as they will be doing everyday things but in a more glamorous way making their audiences wanting to be like them and believing they can.

This technique is used many girl band videos one example is The Saturdays

We particularly liked the sequence whilst they were sitting on the bench we would like to intertextually refer to this in our video. We would also like to film one of the chorus' and have the girls dancing in Westgate Arcade one of the nicer parts of Halifax.

Friday 15 February 2013


Today was the deadline for our first draft and unfortunatly due to problems with booking the dance studio we still have gaps. We liked the idea of seeing the girls progressing as stars throughout the music video, from learning a dance routine to beeing in a photo shoot to performing the song. The Dance studio only have limited time slots to film in and problamaticly most of these time slots are during school hours.

We are quickly running out of time so we have decided to go back to our research and try and come up with some new ideas that would be easier to set up.

Unfotunatly we left lots of extra clips at the end of the video-oops. When the song ends so does the video this is something we will have to make sure we don't do next time

Thursday 14 February 2013

Digipak Step 1

Now that we've filmed the photoshoot and are storming ahead with our editing we have decided to go ahead with the creation of our digipak. We have all done digipak research but we felt we needed more specific reasearch in to girl band digipaks so Beth has researched this in detail. I have also looked in to digipak templates and what other features we can include. We all had a go at photography and we have decided that Sophie and Jess are going to manipulate the images and then we're going to see what extras we can put on to it.

We have decided to make a 6 panel digipak with the two outer wings to have sleeves that would hold the CD and lyrics book. We have also decided that the three inner panels will have an image of each of thye band member.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Digipack Template

For our digipak we will have to decide if we want to create a 4 panel digipal or a 6 panel. We also need to think about what extras we want to include in our digipak. Some typical features include posters, a lyric booklet, a bonus CD or DVD, information on tour dates, a booklet with images and information of the band and messsges from the band.

 4 panel

6 panel with CD holder in the middle

6 panel with CD and DVD holders