Thursday 31 January 2013

Take 2

We filmed a section of our green screen shots today from 2:08-2:17 of the song. Like the bedroom scenes we filmed each band member individually and hopefully we can get it edited in tomorrows double lesson.

We had a few issues with the green screen, because we had to hang it from a projector screen the fabric didn't hang straight, to fix this I held the fabric up which led to lots of giggles when I was caught in the shot but this isn't a problem (for the music video) as we are cropping the shots.

Friday 25 January 2013

Take 1

Our first day of filming and everybodies fingers were crossed.

Will this music video work?
Will we be able to redeem ourselves infront of our media peers?

We shouldn't have been worried because everything was a success.

The plan for this shoot was to have each girl in there bedroom getting ready to go out.
Each room corresponded to the colour that we assigned the band member, to do this we filmed Beth in Jess' mum's room which is red, we filmed Jess in her own bedroom which is pink and white and we filmed Sophie in Sophie's mum's room which is blue. We also decided which costumes each girl would where before filming. Beth's costume was a leather jacket with denim shorts and a burgundy top, we felt that this outfit adhered to Beths character as the rocky one in the group. Sophie's costume was a blue dress which matched her 'free spirit' character and Jess wore a pink top with black leggings and a denim jacket which linked to the girly image of her.

We all got a chance to film and I have to say that I am incredibly proud of a slow zoom out of Beth getting ready (silly I know). After watching back some of the footage we found that some shots of Sophie are too dark so we are going back to hers next week to refilm. We also need to have some more close-ups in future filming.

Sunday 20 January 2013


Green Screen

We have decided to try and develop our media skills buy using a green screen in our music video and before filming for our product we tried some experimentation to get use to it. We also brainstormed some ideas of backgrounds that we could use with the green screen footage. Some ideas that we would like to experiment with and possibly use in the music video are glitter backgrounds as they're are stereotypically girly. We also liked the idea of having a kaleidoscope effect with a different colour for each member.

We would like to use the green screen with a split screen so beth started to experiment with that effect.
Green Screen Split Screen

We also think that sparkles would be very conventional and draw in a younger audince.

Sparkle Effect

Jess created a kaleidoscope effect for the background

Green Screen Attempt 1

Green Screen Attempt 2

The pink kaleidoscope

Green Screen Attempt 3

What we learnt with the experimentation was how the actors had to be far away from the green screen to avoid shadows. Also we will have to pull the green screen so it doesn't have wrinkles, because otherwise the green screen doesn't work. We also found lots of youtube tutorials to help us with the editing. Futhermore in future filming we have to be aware of the costumes and that they stand out against the green background.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Friday 11 January 2013

Emailing The Faders

Sophie emailed The Faders management as she is in charge of sound. We hope to receive a reply soon.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Some Digipak Ideas...

Some of our digipak ideas are below!

These are some of our ideas for the front cover itself or the main theme as it were. We're torn between an image of the band itself or a theme image such as lipstick or shoes.

Using our preliminary ideas for the front cover, we the expanded them out into bigger ideas. This would help us decide which themes went well or whether we wanted merely artistic shots or shots of the band too. The above photo is our first idea.

This is our second idea.

This is our third idea.

This is our fourth idea.

This is our fifth idea.

Finally, these are some of our original ideas for the lyrics section. All of them link to the video or have a 'girly theme'.

We have chosen the images to reflect the girly theme of the band yet images like the stereo and camera give the 'fun' element. However images of the band themselves are important as most girl pop bands have a picture of themselves since it is an advertisement for themselves and their image is a very important part of the industry.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Risk Assessment

Hazard Person who may be injured Property which may be injured Risk Assesment             (low, moderate, high) Actions taken to                control risk
Hot lights Film crew The lights moderate Make sure the lights aren’t on for long periods of time
Weather All Cars Depends on weather Don’t drive in bad conditions.
Dance Injury Dancers na low Warm-up before dancing.
Photo shoot All Equipment and location Moderate-high Be careful around wires and equipment. Have a first aid kit.
Jumping on bed Band location


Just be careful

Band Logo

Despite not having our video, we feel that if we split our time we can tackle both the video and the digipak together. Also as a group we've found that by considering the digipak and how we want to present the girls and the genre, we're finding that we're developing even more personality for the group, thus when we are filming our video we can incorporate our genre ideas. Thinking about specific features for the digipak has also helped us to think about the importance of mise en scene within our video and certain ideas for props have come to light. At the moment we're thinking about the basic designs for our digipak. This includes our images on the front, back and inside of the digipak as well as anything on the lyric sheet and the booklet itself. Our first task was to think about a name and logo that fit our group well.
After a lot of suggestions we setteled on the name Blush and as we've decided on a pop girl band we've come to the conclusion that the logo will be quite girly yet bold and bright colours. Some ideas we had were to use actual crushed up blusher powder and write out the name with it, but after trying this idea (very unsuccessfully) we decided that this was messy and we couldn't get the clean cut finish we liked. Therefore we looked for a different technique to produce a similar effect and came up with the images below.