Sunday 23 September 2012

The History of Music - The 60's

The Beatles - Hard Day's Night (1964)
The video is the opening credits to a film which shows The Beatles being chased buy a mob of screaming girls down a road towards the camera we see two members fall over and anothe laughing which implies that they are care free and can make the audience relate more to them as many viewers will not have had the experience of being chased by hundreds of girls, though many may wish that they have. The variety of shots has increased since the 50s and we see many pans, long shots, mid-shots and close ups of the band running around a train station as they try to out wit the mob of fans. Aswell as this footage there are shots of an unknown man who buys a carton of milk and tries to open it and ends up spilling the milk over himself before he throws it away. We do not yet know the relevance of this comical shot but can only assume it is something to do with the movie this may encourage the viewers of the music video to go and and buy a copy of the film. The video is no-longer performance but not yet a narrative piece.

The band are now part of something other than standing on a stage and singing they are almost part of the narrative this may be useful when it comes around to making our music video.

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)
This music video is more of an art film. The editing and camera shots are now much more complex for example the camera pans around the band making a full circle, and the use of colour creates a psychodelic quality.

The panning around the band is something that I would like to include in our music video though I believe it may be very tricky to pull off.

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