Friday 2 November 2012


We have decided to do the indie genre for our music video and we have researched what the indie conventions are as so we can follow these conventions for our own music video.

Our genre conventions:
  •         Focus on instruments
  •          Performance
  •          Narrative however don't include the artist in the narrative.

We observed and analysed music videos in which we think follow most of these conventions....
Boys like Girls - Love Drunk

  • This video involves a mixture of narrative and performance. The band are just involved in the performance and have hired out actors/actresses to be in the narrative. This is an indie convention as the band are not presented as the main image.
  • They have the narrative starting before the song starts which sets the scene and in this case it suggests to the audience that the main focus is about the girl.
  • During the performance there are camera shots that focus on all members of the band and have close ups of certain instruments (eg the symbol on the drum kit). 
  • Fast cuts are edited in to fit to the beat of the music. This adds further excitement to the upbeat song.

Simple Plan - Jet Lag

This music video is by the band SImple Plan and follows the narrative of a typical music
video of its genre and features quite alot of performance from the band in the airport, although there is quite a balance between performance and narrative during the video. Throughout there is link between the lyrics and visuals, which is something we could aim to do in our video. The performance in this video is very stereotypical for an Indie music band where they have close ups of the lead singer, the drummer the guitarist. The only difference int this is that the singer is actually playing the main man part in the  narrative side which docent usually happen, but like all other Indie bands they do break  the conventions.

Mise en Scene
The setting of this music video is mainly in an Airport, with the colouring all bright and white showing connotations of an airport and it is daytime, in contrast to the yellow where Natasha Bedingfield is in her bedroom looking out onto the night sky. The costume of the band members is very plain and simple, they are just wearing casual clothes like normal people and Natasha Bedingfield is wearing bed clothes to emphasise that its night time and the difference in timezones.

Close ups
Throughout the video close ups are used frequently as the song is meant to portray alot feeling and emotion therefore by using close ups, the emotion is intensified and the audience are enabled to get  involved in the pain that the singers are feeling. 

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