Monday 12 November 2012

I'm going for a stroll

Our first day of shooting was at Sophie's house where every member managed to attend, including our chosen protagonist.

  • We filmed the house shots first due to it still being light. The lighting meant we couldn't film outside straight away due to us wanting the lighting to be fairly dark. Our house shots were successful as we managed to get a good range as so we could pick the perfect one for our video.
  • We told our actor what to wear for the video as so he was presented with an 'indie' style.
  • We organised the bathroom so it looked a bit messy but also hid things we didn't want in shot highlighting we had control over our mise-en-scene.
  • Then we went outside and the lighting was perfect at first, however it got dark very quickly so our shots differ in colour which we do not like. This means we will definitely have to come back to re-shoot this part as so there is no continuity error within the video. 
  • Although we did manage to shoot all the shots that we needed and brought the correct props such as the outfit and the 'Stella' bottle.
  • Therefore, overall the first day of shooting was successful.

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