Tuesday 13 November 2012

In The Woods

Today we went to Beth's house to film the wood scene.

  • Like on the first day, we told our protagonist what to wear, making sure he wore different clothes to what he wore when we first filmed. This means we have a variety of mise-en-scene making it more interesting and also so that continuity errors don't occur as if he wore the same clothes confusion may be triggered as the audience may think the wood scene is the same day as the street scene.
  • We already planned out our location hence we knew exactly where to go when we arrived. This made things very easy for us and as we wanted to film in the light, the lighting was no problem as we arrived fairly early.
  • We filmed all the necessary shots that day and filmed shots more than once so we could have a variety of shots to choose from (ie filming one still shot and also a panning shot)
  • We wanted to take another shot of our protagonist and the female actress crossing the river however the camera died on us. This meant we couldn't take another shot and so had to call it a day and head back.
  • What we also found as as problem was the dog. When we were filming the dog we wanted her concentration to be on the actors although she kept on looking at the camera. This was a problem however it doesn't matter too much.
  • We did manage to get the majority of the shots in our time there, meaning our day was successful and from this we have learnt to make sure our camera is charged fully before we take it out to film as so this event doesn't happen again. We have decided to come back and re-shoot this scene after our first draft has been made as to get the rest of our shots.

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